
“可食用校园倡议”(ECI)是校园食品示范项目的集合, 说明了我们在边缘空间生产食物的能力. ECI augments our current curriculum with new partnerships and community networks through a food systems-based approach. 目的是研究和说明新的和传统的食品生产方法, provide multidisciplinary learning and practical skill development opportunities to our students and the community, 并让全球网络赌博平台社区参与当地粮食生产和可持续发展.

ECI建立在已有的基础设施之上, such as courses within the 文理学院 and Westbrook College of 健康的职业, 众多的俱乐部和组织, 多个校园食品示范项目. ECI独特地补充了新能源大学的口号“创新,让地球更健康”.”


蜜蜂已经存在了1亿多年, 授粉的植物, 花, 树木为我们提供了超过三分之一的食物. 蜜蜂提供1美元.在全球范围内创造了60亿美元的经济价值,凸显了它们的重要作用. They collect pollen and nectar and produce propolis, honey and wax, each having multiple uses. Honey bees function in colonies of thousands of individuals with a division of labor and an extremely complex social structure.

今天,蜜蜂种群正受到许多人为原因的负面影响. 蜜蜂数量下降的一个主要原因是杀虫剂,特别是新烟碱类杀虫剂. These chemicals represent the fastest growing class of insecticides and affect the bees on contact. 它们增加了运动活动, 削弱他们的学习能力, 并削弱他们的长期记忆, 经常导致蜂房完全崩溃.

The undergraduate UNE Honey Bee Conservation Club is working to combat the decline of honey bee populations and bring awareness to the importance of honey bees and their plight. 在2017年春天, 俱乐部成立了。, 通过慷慨捐赠的设备,我们建立了两个蜂巢. 这些蜂箱可以在比德福德校区找到,坐落在28号和18号停车场之间.

自成立以来, 全球网络赌博平台蜜蜂保护俱乐部已经发展壮大,并成功地保持了快乐, 健康的蜜蜂以及从校园蜂箱中收获的蜂蜜. 在2018年秋季学期, the club harvested 87 jars of honey that members then sold as a fundraiser at the first-ever Edible Campus Market, 现在每年秋天和春天举行一次.



The Biddeford Campus 社区花园 was founded in 2009 by a group of students in the E-Pod, 帕多瓦大厅是一个生活和学习社区,专注于环境热情. 最初在花园里有六个地块,每个地块的大小为12'x15 '. Topsoil was purchased and partially donated by Dubois Livestock and placed on top of weedcloth with a log perimeter to create a raised bed.

在建国之初, the students understood the importance of maintaining the garden annually and the unpredictability of student presence over the summers to farm the plots. 出于这个原因, 学生们同意,其中5块地块将提供给教职员工的“业主”,其中一块地将保留给先到者使用, 标间. Over the years the student plot has been farmed by students when there was interest or farmed by an additional faculty/professional staff member on a one-year term if there was no student interest.

The garden was expanded by three plots in 2015 with a grant through the Maine Hunger Dialogues. 他们的理解是,这些地块将由学生耕种供自己使用, 剩余的将捐赠给当地的食品储藏室. 目的是保持这种安排,只要有学生的精力这样做.

如果您有兴趣耕种花园地块,请下载 社区花园申请,仔细阅读,签名,然后 发邮件给可持续发展办公室.


矮丛蓝莓(Vaccinium angustofolium)和高丛蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum)都原产于缅因州. 几个世纪以来,印第安人一直在收获这两种野生缅因蓝莓. 缅因州的蓝莓得到了管理, 培养, 从19世纪开始就在州外销售, 使缅因州成为北美最大的蓝莓产地之一. The blueberry garden on the Biddeford Campus contains the Patriot and Northland 培养 varieties of highbush 蓝莓.

Edible landscapes such as the blueberry garden demonstrate how local agriculture can be beneficial to health and economics and also be aesthetically pleasing. This innovative project contributes to the growing number of sustainable practices on the UNE campuses.

Funding for the Biddeford Campus 蓝莓花园 was provided by the student environmental group, 地球的E.C.O. Support for the installation of the project was provided by UNE’s Edible Campus interest group, 可持续发展办公室, 及校园服务.



美洲栗树:曾经是美国东部的基础物种.S. 森林

美丽的美洲栗子(齿栗叶dentata) once reached more than 100 feet in height and occupied 200 million acres of the eastern United States, 包括缅因州. 它的防腐木材被用作建筑材料和制作摇篮, 表, 床, 棺材, 还有更多. Edible chestnuts were produced in great abundance and sustained wildlife, livestock, and people. Rural Americans gathered chestnuts in huge quantities for shipment by rail to cities along the eastern seaboard, 街头小贩在那里烤着卖, 尤其是在寒假期间.


在19世纪后期,一种被称为栗子枯萎病的侵入性致病真菌(Cryphonectria parasitica是偶然从亚洲进口的日本或中国栗子上传入的, 它们能耐受真菌. 1904年,这种枯萎病首次在纽约动物园被发现, 到1950年,它已经消灭了大约40亿棵美国栗树. 病原体会杀死地面上的树, 但它的根系保存完好,主要以根茎的形式存在于林下, 很少大到足以从种子繁殖的. 由于这个原因,这个物种在这个时候被认为是功能性灭绝.


自1983年成立以来, The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) has been committed to breeding a blight-resistant hybrid American chestnut tree. 美洲栗子的近亲, 板栗与枯萎病共同进化,并具有一定程度的抵抗力. The first step in TACF’s breeding efforts involves crossing some of the few surviving American chestnuts with blight-resistant Chinese chestnuts. 然后将后代种植在育种果园中并筛选抗枯萎病能力. 最具抵抗力的后代与纯正的美洲本土栗树进行回交. The entire process is repeated multiple times to produce hybrid trees that are 1/16 Chinese chestnut and 15/16 American chestnut. 第六代杂交树木被称为B3F3s. 他们的目标是培育出看起来像美国树种但能抵抗枯萎病的树木.

University of New England’s environmental studies programs are collaborating with TACF to assess the performance of these sixth-generation B3F3 hybrid American chestnuts. 作为2016年春季的部门顶点项目, 四名学生种植了80多颗杂交美洲栗子种子, 幼苗, 以及校园里不同环境下的树苗. UNE’s test plantings will provide TACF with information about optimal soil and light conditions for reintroducing potentially blight-resistant trees to the forests of Maine and the eastern U.S.

Field trials such as this are being conducted throughout the chestnut’s native range and serve as a significant resource for science and education. The partnership between UNE and TACF is a tremendous effort in restoring the American chestnut to its former glory, 为了子孙后代.


包括植物在内的天然产物是人类已知的最古老的药物来源. 在我们今天所知的医学发明之前, 传统草药是治疗和预防疾病的主要选择. 随着现代医学的引入,使用草药成为一种替代疗法. 然而,多年来,草药产品的使用越来越受欢迎. 今天,五分之一的美国人使用草药产品. 因此, pharmacists must be prepared to guide and counsel patients regarding the use of such products. The goal of the UNE medicinal garden is to increase student and faculty awareness of herbal treatment options and their efficacy in the maintenance of human and animal health. 

The 中草药园 on the Portland Campus contains plants traditionally used to prevent and treat a variety of diseases, 从普通感冒到抑郁症. Some of these plants are native to Maine and have been important to the Native American cultures of this state. 这些植物中的许多药用特性已经被人们知道了几千年. 然而,美国.S. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)不承认其药用价值. 在服用任何草药产品之前,你应该咨询你的医生或药剂师.


The herbs were planted by pharmacy students taking a phytotherapy course in the spring of 2015. Collaborative effort was contributed by faculty and professional staff from the School of Pharmacy, 可持续发展办公室, 和Abplanalp图书馆. 药学系提供了财政支持, and Facilities Management contributed greatly to the ground work and maintenance of the garden.



普通的名字 学名 使用
St. 约翰的麦芽汁 贯叶连翘 抑郁症
蔓越莓 Vaccinium macrocarpon 尿路感染(UTI)
黄芪 黄芪 普通感冒
人参 人参 改善健康的一般补品
银杏 银杏 改善认知功能
圣罗勒 罗勒属tenuiflorum 普通感冒和流感(“流感”)
接骨木 Sambucus黑质 用于流感(“流感”)和H1N1“猪”流感
北美黄莲 黄连碱黄花 普通感冒和其他上呼吸道感染
黑升麻 Actaea racemosa 缓解更年期症状
缬草 缬草officinalis 失眠
紫锥菊 紫锥菊angustifolia 普通感冒和上呼吸道感染
薄荷 薄荷x胡椒 肠易激综合症
山金车 蒙大拿山金车 瘀伤、疼痛和扭伤
紫草科植物 Symphytum officinale 溃疡,伤口,关节炎症,瘀伤,类风湿关节炎
兰草 泽兰属植物perfoliatum 解热、利尿、通便、催吐、通便
柠檬香油 梅丽莎officinalis 唇疱疹和焦虑
荨麻 荨麻属dioica 与良性前列腺增生(BPH)相关的排尿障碍
蓝莓 Vaccinium angustifolium 白内障、青光眼、溃疡、尿路感染

了解更多全球网络赌博平台“可食用校园倡议”的信息,以及如何参与其中, 与可持续发展办公室联系,电话:(207)602-2507或 acariddi@f7vdy1tm.com.